Tuesday, February 14, 2012

&...a flat in England.

 front right corner ground floor.
as my friend ben pointed out, it looks just about like any other flat in england. apparently it was an old folks' home that was gutted and redone a couple years ago. it is perfect for me: good light, wood floors, great kitchen and bathroom. it is small, but definitely could be much smaller and i don't have much stuff (here). if only i could figure out how to regulate the temperature inside. thank you to new year sales, ikea, tK maxx, and a couple lovely second hand shops, i have furnished this empty flat. 

bay window off kitchen, drop leaf kitchen table, black/white kitchen, and daffodils care of my friend lynn. 

& the fabulous walk-in closet that incidentally has a bed in it.
dressing bureau care of british heart charity (great for getting ready since there are no plugs in the bathroom), shoes piled, and ikea dresser with vintage film tin and hardware box for watches and jewelry.

& my desk, where i spend most of my time.
small church chair from rummage sale where it wasn't for sale until i asked and my favorite ikea bookcase ever...i now own two 
(on different continents).

footstool repurposed into an ottoman.
my bathroom may not look like much, but compared to some of the ones i saw, it is magical...albeit cold.

& plenty of room for visitors
...even if you do have to sleep in my kitchen. 

*clicking on the photos will take you to a slide show.


  1. Your place is really nice. I'm excited to visit ;)

  2. it is even better than i imagined!!! how cool!!!

  3. Janiece- your place is adorable. I love your touches of color! I can't wait to read happenings on your blog. Loves!
